Mastering Percent Word Problems in 2023: Tips and Tricks for Success

What is Percentage? How to solve percent word problems.

Do you know how percent marks you obtained in your high school. 

Do you know what percent of 5 is 3?

Can you calculate the percentage of an number?

If you  don’t know how to solve percentage world problems, then this blog is for you.  Here we discuss all the tips and tricks and discuss different methods to solve the percentage problems easily.

As a student, I always struggled with percent word problems. They seemed so complicated and confusing. But as I learned more about percentages and practiced solving different types of percent word problems, I became more confident and capable in this area. In this article, I’ll share my tips and tricks for mastering percent word problems so that you can approach them easily and confidently.

Understanding Percentages and Percent Problems

Examples of Percent word problems

Before we dive into solving percent word problems, it’s important to understand what percentages are and how they work.

A percentage is a way of expressing a part of a whole as a fraction of 100.

For example, 50% means 50 out of 100, or 0.5 as a decimal.

Percent word problems involve using percentages to solve real-world problems. These problems can involve finding the percentage of a number, finding what percentage one number is of another, or finding the original value before a percentage increases or decreases.

Common Types of Percent Word Problems

Percent word problems

There are several common types of percent problems that you will encounter in your studies.

  1.  Finding the percentage of a number, such as “What is 20% of 80?”
  2.  Finding what percentage one number is of another. “What percentage of 60 is 15?”
  3. A third type is finding the original value before a percentage increase or decrease, such as “if a shirt costs $25 after a 20% discount, what was the original price?

It’s important to be familiar with these problems and understand how to approach each one.

Tips for Solving Percent Word Problems

When solving percent problems, following a systematic approach is important. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Read the problem carefully and identify what information is given and what you are trying to find.
  • Convert the percentages to decimals or fractions if necessary.
  • Use a formula or proportion to solve the problem.
  • Check your answer to make sure it makes sense in the context of the problem.
  • Practice solving different types of percent word problems to build your confidence and skills.

Using Proportions to Solve Percent Word Problems

Proportions are a useful tool for solving percent problems. A proportion is an equation that states that two ratios are equal.

For example, if we want to find what percentage of 60 is 15, we can set up the proportion:

$$\frac{15}{60} = \frac{x}{100}$$

We can then cross-multiply to solve for x:

$$15 \times{100}=60\times {\text{x}}$$

$$1500= 60x$$

$$x = 25$$

So 15 is 25% of 60.

Converting Percentages to Decimals and Fractions

Converting percentages to decimals and fractions is important for solving percent word problems.

You can easily convert from percentage to decimal in two simple steps.

  1. Remove the percent sign.
  2. Divide the given number by 100.
  3.  For example, 25% = 0.25.

Now we can easily convert a percentage to a fraction with these steps.

  1. Write it as a fraction with a denominator of 100
  2.  Simplify if possible.
  3. For example,

25% $$ =\frac{25}{100}$$

$$= \frac{1}{4}.$$

Examples of Percent Problems with Solutions

Percent Word problems solved examples

Let’s look at some examples of percent problems and how to solve them:

What is 30% of 50?


  1. Convert 30% to a decimal by dividing by 100= 0.3.
  2. Multiply 0.3 by 50 to get the answer which is 15.
What percentage of 75 is 15?


  1. Set up the proportion: 15/75 = x/100.
  2. Cross-multiply to get 750 = 75x.
  3. Solve for x: x = 10.

So 15 is 10% of 75.

What was the original price if a shirt costs $25 after a 20% discount?


  1. Let x be the original price.
  2. The discounted price is 80% of x, or 0.8x.
  3. We know that 0.8x = 25.
  4. Solve for x: x = 31.25.

So the original price was $31.25.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Solving Word Problems

There are several common mistakes that students make when solving percent word problems.

  1. One is forgetting to convert percentages to decimals or fractions.
  2.  Another is using the wrong formula or proportion.
  3. It’s important to double-check your work and ensure you use the correct approach for each type of problem.

Real-World Applications of Percent Word Problem

Percent word problems have many real-world applications, from calculating sales tax to determining purchase discounts.

They are also used in finance and investing, such as calculating interest rates and investment returns.

By mastering percent word problems, you can develop important skills useful in many areas of life.

Practice Exercises to Improve Your Percent Word Problem Skills

To improve your percent word problem skills, try practicing with different types of problems and working through them step by step.

You can find practice problems online or in textbooks or create your problems based on real-world scenarios. The more you practice, the more confident and capable you will become.


Percent word problems can seem daunting at first, but with practice and a systematic approach, you can master them. You can build your skills and confidence in this area by understanding percentages and common types of percent word problems, using proportions and formulas, and avoiding common mistakes. Remember to practice regularly and seek help if you need it. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to success in percent word problems.


You can solve the percent word problems by these simple steps.

  1. – Identify the things you have been given and need to find.
  2. Create an equation with the following formula and variables for the unknowable numbers.

$$\text{percent} \times \text{base} = \text{amount}$$

2.  Find the required variable by solving the equation.

3. Reentering the equation with your answer will allow you to verify it.

In daily life, % is often used for the following purposes:

  • To figure out the tip at a restaurant. If your bill is $20 and you want to tip 15%, for instance, you would multiply $20 by 0.15 to get $3, which is the tip amount.
  • Calculating the item’s sales tax. If a book costs $12 and the sales tax is 8%, for instance, you would multiply $12 by 0.08 to get $0.96, which is the tax amount.
  • To determine product discounts. For instance,

    If a $25 blouse is on sale for 20% off, you multiply $25 by 0.2 to obtain $5, representing the discount. The final cost of the shirt is $20 after deducting $5 from the original $25.

  • To calculate your class grade. For instance, if you received 80 out of 100 possible points on a test, you would divide 80 by 100 to get 0.8, equal to 80%. Your test score is, therefore, 80%.

  • To calculate your baseball/softball batting average. For instance, if you had 100 at-bats and 30 hits, you would divide 30 by 100 to obtain 0.3, or 30%. Your batting average is 30% as a result.

  • If you want to convert the percentage to decimal, then divide the given value by 100.
  • If convert the decimal to percentage than multiply given number to 100 and put the percent sign.

Let’s solve this word problem:
**A shirt costs $40 and is on sale for 25% off. What is the sale price of the shirt?**

  • We are given the original price ($40) and the percent off (25%).
  • We need to find the sale price, which is the amount after the discount.
  • We can write an equation using the formula:

$$\text{percent off} \times \text{original price} = \text{discount amount}$$

$$0.25 \times 40 = x$$

where x is the discount amount.

  • We can solve for x by multiplying both sides by 4:

$$x = 4 \times 0.25 \times 40$$

$$x = 10$$

  • So, the discount amount is $10.
  • To find the sale price, we need to subtract the discount amount from the original price:

$$\text{sale price} = \text{original price} – \text{discount amount}$$


$$\text{sale price} = 40 – 10$$

$$\text{sale price} = 30$$

So, the sale price of the shirt is $30.

  • We can check our answer by plugging it back into the equation:

$$0.25 \times 40 = 10$$

which is true.

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